
Tax the Deca-Millionaires

The DREAM Act not only takes college opportunities away from Americans (the freshman classes can only accommodate so many students before all the seats are taken) but it also leads inevitably to higher population since the amnestied DREAMers can petition their mothers and fathers as soon as they become U.S. citizens and reach 21 years of age.If you wonder why I would ask this- the reason is simple- there is a law enforcement equivalent of that question, “If a law is violated and there is no one enforcing the law violated, does it matter that the law was violated?”The Los Angeles Unified School District, for example, constructed the infamous Belmont School on a toxic dump and earthquake fault. Before it finally opened its doors after years under construction, experts calculated that nearly $1 billion taxpayer dollars were wasted in Belmont cleanup efforts.This means more of the same: tax payers foot the bill for LAUSD’s mistakes and will pay for not only the contaminated property but also its cleanup as well as lawyers representing the city and the school.

